City of Greendale Services
View a list of the City of Greendale's various leaders, employees, and board members, including contact information.
Directory of Employees

Access essential forms and permits required for residents and businesses in Greendale.
Forms & Permits

Fire Department & EMS
Our combination department includes full-time, paid-on-call, and volunteer members.
GFD provides Fire and Rescue response to approximately 5,000 residents over 10 square miles. In addition, GFD is an active participant in mutual aid to surrounding departments within Indiana, as well as across Ohio and Kentucky State Lines.
Police Department
The dedicated professionals of Greendale Police Department serve a population of nearly 5,000 citizens. Our staff includes eleven sworn police officers, two full time and two part time dispatchers. The members of the Greendale Police Department truly care about the safety of our community and providing excellent service.
Utility Departments
The utility office is staffed by the Utility Clerk and Utility Receptionist/Customer Service. The staff compile the water, sewer, electric and sanitation bills each month and mail them to nearly 2,200 locations. Purchasing and bills are paid by the Deputy Clerk Treasurer. Resident inquiries and work orders are directed to this staff for routing. Accounting reports and tracking of utility budgets are done by the Clerk Treasurer’s office.
MS4 Program (Sewers)
The Wastewater Department has 2 employees. The department has 14 lift stations which pump sewage to the South Dearborn Regional Sewer District which the City owns one third of, along with Aurora and Lawrenceburg. The vacuum/jetter truck assists the staff with keeping the sewer pipes free of debris and blockages. The staff maintains 31 miles of gravity sewer lines and 6 miles of sewer force mains.
Garbage, Recycling, & Yard Waste
Learn about the City of Greendale's schedule and procedures for garbage, recycling, and yard waste collection services.
Garden Club
For three decades, the Greendale Garden Club and its members have endeavored to make our city even better. We have received national recognition for our floral displays and work hard to create beauty throughout the community. Volunteers use your donations to plant the stunning containers that grace the street corners, parks, and public buildings. Every plant is a result of the generosity of Greendale families and businesses.